Saturday, August 7, 2010

8 ways to meet other Salsa On2 Dancers!

(originally posted on November 2007)
So you're new to Toronto's salsa On2 commuminty...Where can you meet other On2 dancers? The short answer...almost everywhere! If you've been dancing On1 for a while, you'll be surprised at how many dancers (including some that you already know) dance On2. You just have to ask, or watch. You may be known as an "On1" dancer so others may assume that you want to dance On1. If you are a new dancer, then you'll have to start building your network as you continue to develop as an On2 dancer. hosts On2 Salsa socials every other month to help connect On2 dancers from in and around Toronto. Check our SOCIALS page for the next one!

Salsa Networking

Meeting new people in the salsa scene is a lot like networking. When you meet a new On2 dancers (either through introduction, getting their name after a first dance etc.) expand your network and make it a habit to introduce them to other On2 dancers that you already know.    If you've just danced with a great dancer and think that you're friends (who are new to salsa On2) should try dance with them, resist the urge to "pimp" them out to everyone.   While most experienced dancers enjoy dancing with people of all levels including new On2 dancers, remember that when they are at a club, they are out to enjoy dances with their friends as well.   A friendly introduction between a new and experience dancer may lead to an invitation to dance, but leave that in their hands :)  Don't make someone feel obligated to dance with your whole group of non-dancing/new to salsa friends.  

The Welcoming Attitude

  • Smile :)
  • Be yourself and show your happy personality - we're all drawn to people with a positive outlook and vibe!
  • Thank your partner after each dance
  • Don't be a "diva". No matter how good a dancer you think you are, keep your ego in check and be humble!
  • Stand near the perimeter of the dancefloor (not ON the dance floor) and move like you are enjoying the music. If you just stand there, others may think that you're a "non-dancer" friend of a salsa dancer.
  • Don't stand in a corner or blame other people for not asking you to dance.  It's not fun to dance with someone who looks like they have a chip on their shoulder for not being asked to dance. Take control of the situation and go ask them yourself (nicely, of course).
Ways to meet other lovers of On2
Your network of On2 dancers will grow as you expose yourself to environments where there are other On2 dancers.   If you are an On1 dancer and already have a tight group of friends, you don't have to abandon them altogether.   You can enjoy dances with everyone, just make sure that you allocate time to meeting and dancing with On2 dancers every time you go out!

  1. Take salsa on2 dance classes and meet instructors, assistant instructors and helpers.   They are usually well connected to other dancers in the "scene" and can possibly introduce you to other dancers.
  2. Exchange contact information with other students in your dance classes.   Salsa dancing is a social activity known for expanding your network of friends (not just within the city but around the world!).   Be friendly and get to know the people in your class. They are likely the people who you will "grow up" with as you develop as a dancer.   You can exchange dancing tips, practice new moves, and share dances at outings, clubs, socials or practice sessions.   They are typically your first layer of salsa On2 friends in your new network.
  3. Attend school outings.   If you're uncomfortable with the idea of going to a club on your own, then outings are a great way to actually get out dancing.   You can arrange to meet people from your classes so that you'll have comfort in knowing that you'll know some of the people there.
  4. Venture out to On2 club nights on your own.   In the salsa world, most dancers go clubs on their own and meet up with people at the club.   Most women feel weird about going out to a club without a group of friends. Don't worry, you'll make new friends. At first you might want to arrange to meet people ahead of time.   Eventually you'll know where the "regulars" go and just go on your own.   You'll usually find people to dance with. Spend some time watching and look for On2 dancers to dance with.  
  5. Attend Socials ( On2 Socials).   Socials are casual gatherings of salsa dancers from all over the GTA, typically held in a studio or hall (i.e. not a club).   They usually take place during the early evening (from 5-10pmish) and end early.   Unlike salsa clubs nights, most people are dressed casually (jeans & t-shirt) and almost everyone who goes is there to dance.   The drink of choice is usually water, although some socials serve alcohol.   Since socials are designed for the "dancer", there are more people to meet - and those who you meet are dancers just like you! holds socials that are dedicated connecting On2 dancers.   It's a great way meet up with people of all levels who share your interest and love for On2.  
  6. Attend practice sessions:   Toronto offers weekly practice sessions  ( where dancers from around the city, from different dance schools gather to enjoy some casual dances and practice.   It's the most casual and usually least intimidating environment for new dancers. Most people who attend afternoon practice session are also there to meet new people, so it's   a great place to show up on your own, meet On2 dancers and expand your network. One word of warning:   don't wait to be asked to dance.   If you want to get on the dance floor and practice your moves, then take the initiative and do some of the asking! 
  7. Join online salsa communities: is on Facebook!   Join the group and meet other dancers who share your interest and passion for salsa On2. Most groups meet at social events or classes. As with any online community/meeting place, exercise good judgment when meeting individuals in person.   
  8. Where a Salsa On2 t-shirt (Toron2 Gear!): If you want to dance On2, why not make it easy for people to find you in a crowd? There are tons of salsa t-shirts out there that advertise your love for salsa On2. If you can't find them, let them find YOU! It's an easy way to connect with other salsa on2 dancers. sells Toron2 (Toronto On2) t-shirts for both ladies and gentlemen who love to groove On2.
Meeting salsa On2 dancers takes some effort at the beginning, but once you open yourself up to others, and continue to improve your dancing, you'll find that the ever growing salsa On2 world opening itself to you!

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